Author: Steve Krug
Don't Make Me Think - An Overview
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If I had to pick just one book about Internet marketing to share with others, it would be
Don't Make Me Think
by Steve Krug. Bold words, I know. But the simple truth is that Don't Make Me Think will help you change the very way you think about and look at websites for ever. Read Don't Make Me Think and you'll learn:
- Why the phrase "Don't make me think" is the essence of great usability
- How visitors really see your website?
- Why your visitors like "mindless" choices
- How to write for the web
- What basic usability tactics you can employ on your site
- How to get started with usability testing
Why You'll Probably Like Don't Make Me Think
If you do anything remotely associated with a website, you need to read this book. Don't Make Me Think is a light bulb waiting to be turned on. The big "ah-ha" moment. The epiphany. Steve Krug's best selling book helps frame building websites from the perspective of your visitors' needs and behavior. And when this happens, you're on your way to having website people will love.
Is This Book Really for You?
Yes. Unless you don't do anything on the web. In which case, you wouldn't be reading this. So yes. If you are new to building websites, this book is especially for you.
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What Did You Think?
Did you read Don't Make Me Think? Am I being too generous or did you learn as much from it as I did? Big Picture Web's fans are known to like multiple perspectives, so please do share your thoughts below in the comments of this review. And then go get yourself a copy of Don't Make Me Think.
(Note: the links to books in this book review are affiliate links. Thank you for subsidizing my book habit!)