Share Your Squarespace Tips for New Business and Profit

Squarespace guest authors wantedSquarespace designers and developers: how would you like to get paid to share your knowledge while advertising your services? Turns out, my readers want to see more Squarespace design and code-related tips, but it's not something I can provide at scale. As a result, today I'm calling for guest authors within the Squarespace design community, and I'm willing to pay. and the Squarespace Community

I didn't initially start this blog to cater to Squarespace users. At first it was more of a hodgepodge of Internet marketing tips. But over time, Squarespace users kept coming back looking to connect and for tips on the platform. At this point, nearly three-quarters of my vistors each month are looking for Squarespace tutorials, tips and content. 

Squarespace customers like

What Type of Squarespace Tips do People Want?

I'm a marketing guy by trade. I know enough code to be dangerous, and know enough about design to know I'm not really good at it (case in point: the modified stock image that intros this post). That said, when asked, the Squarespace community told me that they wanted to see more design tutorials and examples, as well as tips on how to implement code snippets on Squarespace.

Useful Squarespace blog content

Great. Squarespace podcasts and marketing/business tutorials are only somewhat useful, but it's the designer/developer tips that people really want.

So what do you do when you have over 6,000 monthly Squarespacers looking for content that you can't personally produce? You recruit!

Customers and Dollars for Squarespace Tutorials

In order to give the Squarespace readers what they want, I'm looking for Squarespace designers to contribute guest posts on this blog. In return, you'll receive three unique benefits for becoming an author on

  1. Authors will receive monetary compensation for each blog post published
  2. Authors are allowed to plug their design services within each blog post published
  3. Top contributors will receive a featured listing in the Squarespace Designer Directory, worth between 50-100 clicks to your site each month from Squarespace customers looking for designers

Where else can you get paid to advertise, just for simply talking about projects and techniques you've already mastered? And just think of all the Squarespacers you'll be helping who read this blog. 

If you're interested, head on over to the sign-up form, and we'll be on our way to Squarespace design tip goodness together in no time. You get new customers and a little cash, I get content for my blog, and the Squarespace community gets new ideas and tips for their sites. What's not to love?