Spring cleaning is a common occurrence in many households each year. Homeowners take the extra time to organize their belongings and cleanse behind the hard-to-reach places of their homes. Why don't we look at our websites the same way?
Six Squarespace designers recently performed a deep cleaning on their sites. Check out the fresh new Squarespace 6 sites they produced as we take a look at the Spring 2013 additions to our Squarespace Websites Showcase.
Spring 2013 Squarespace Showcase
- Steve Wentworth is the videographer, editor, and web designer for Skinny Boy Weddings, a boutique wedding video agency outside of London that produces custom wedding videos and invitation videos. Steve submitted their beautiful new site.
- Eric Jones of CoreGeek.net submitted iPad HQ, a blog dedicated to tips, how-to's, deals, and reviews for iPad and iOS.
- Javier Miqueleiz is a photographer from Guangzhou, China who focuses mainly on portrait, fashion, and street photography. Javier's Squarespace 6 website is built on one of their great new portfolio templates.
- Christopher Grant is a Swedish photographer working mostly on abstract and impressionalist projects at the moment. Christopher's website is on Squarespace 6.
- Joshua Neimark of fix8media submitted their recent work on the new site for Knox Insurance Group, a group of insurance agencies in Florida with product ranging from auto, to home, and more.
- Jacki Storey is a UK photographer and visual artist based in the southwest of England, just outside of Stroud, Gloucestershire. Jacki uses scupture, photography, and installation mediums, and Squarespace 6 to showcase it all.
Submit Your Website to the Showcase
Big Picture Web features your new Squarespace websites frequently on our blog and ever-growing Squarespace Websites Showcase. Don't forget to bookmark our submission page and be sure to enter your new creations when they're complete.
We'd be happy to review and feature your work so that others can be inspired to do some Spring cleaning on their own Squarespace websites.